Together for a Better Life for Animals
We are committed to helping abused and neglected animals, and with your support, we can make a difference.

Helping Animals in Need
At our core, animal care is our top priority. While we would love for everyone to adopt a pet, we understand that this isn’t always feasible. That’s why we enthusiastically support the missions of non-profit organizations such as animal shelters, animal protection organizations, and rescue groups.
These organizations do amazing work by rescuing animals in need, caring for them, and finding them new, loving homes. Our goal is to inform every dog owner about these organizations so that we can contribute to a better future for animals that have been neglected, abused, or abandoned.
"Animal abuse in the Netherlands is very common. Estimates suggest there are around one hundred thousand cases per year. These include, for example, broken bones, internal bleeding, and head trauma."
- Universiteit Utrecht

3% for Dog Charities
To support our mission and contribute to the welfare of animals, we donate 3% of every order to charities dedicated to helping dogs. This way, we are helping dogs in search of a new home.
Would you like to make an extra contribution yourself or learn more about supporting animals in need? You can make one or more donations through various platforms or consider donating your old clothes, accessories, bags, and shoes. Discover many other ways you can help by searching online for local initiatives and organizations.
Liever toch niet iets doneren maar wel positiviteit willen bijdragen aan de dierenwereld? Gelukkig zijn er allerlei manieren waarop je kan meehelpen, ongeacht waar je goed in bent. Bekijk vacatures voor vrijwilligers en betaalde posities bij verschillende dierenwelzijnsorganisaties en schuilplaatsen in jouw omgeving.